Quick view Ruby Zoisite w/ Mica Obelisk 6"+ The power and beauty of Ruby Zoisite with these incredible inclusions of shimmering Mica. Each piece will be unique in size, shape, coloring and inclusions. Ruby Zoisite will aid in connecting your heart and mind. May also assist with confidence,... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Quartz w/ Inclusions Obelisk 1 lb. 1-3" This multi-pack of obelisks are also know in the crystal world as Lodalite. These obelisks will have you mesmerized with all the amazing inclusions and the energy, just may make shifts in your consciousness. Let this stone help you overcome any... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Obsidian, Black W Silver Stripes Obelisk 1 lb. 3-4" 1lb bag of Obsidian Obelisks streaked with different colors. This streaking you see is a representation of a distinct pulse in the eruption of the volcano it came from. If your lucky you might get some with Silver Obsidian! Obsidian is a natural glass... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Larvikite Obelisk 7"+ Protect yourself and your environment when you set this on obelisk on any surface where protection is needed. Larvikite is said to be a grounding stone that will aid you in removing toxins, negative energy and keep the positive energy flowing. May also... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Golden Rutilated Obelisk 1 lb. 1/2-2" Rutilated Quartz is a clear Quartz with Rutile inclusions. These Rutile inclusions give the Quartz a golden color with their incredible hairlike inclusions. This amazing quartz will aid in your spiritual growth and journey, help illuminate your soul,... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Amethyst Obelisk 1"- 1.5" These sweet little points come packed with big energy. Great for gridwork or place anywhere you may be in need of assistance with, happiness, calming fear, emotional storms, courage, love, peace, addiction, dreams, helps with insomnia and nightmares... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Tiffany Obelisk 3 1/2"+ Tiffany Stone or Purple passion obelisk carrying a sweet high vibration. This stone is great for developing psychic abilities, creating loving feelings, communication, and may enhance your sexual life. Obelisks range from 3.5" to 3.75" and vary in width... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Black Rutilated Quartz Obelisk 2 1/2"+ Rutilated Quartz with Black Tourmaline. Rutilated Quartz promotes spiritual growth and assist you with letting go of the past. Black Tourmaline will absorb negative energy and protect you inside and out. Beautiful point pieces with flat bottom, ranging... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Bowenite Obelisk 3"+ Bowenite is a compact variety of Serpentine, long used for jewelry, tools, and weapons. This is known as the stone of love and friendship yet it's also a powerful protective energy shield. Bowenite may assist in releasing suppressed emotions by healing... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Ruby Fuchsite Obelisk 2 1/2"+ You will be able to enjoy the colors and sparkles this Ruby Fuchsite Obelisk point will provide. Not only is this a stunning piece it is known to be the heart stone, helping to clear blocks and offer support. From India. Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Tiger Eye Obelisk 2 1/2"+ Shimmer bands yellow, brown, and gold swirl through this beautiful Tiger Eye obelisk. This powerful stone that may assist you in regards to fear and anxiety. From India. Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Mica, Green Obelisk 2 1/2"+ Mica acts like a mirror for you in that it will show you your flaws but allowing you to see them with love. This Green Mica is from India and comes in various natural colors and with a pyramid point emitting your space with its energy. Log in for pricing Compare