Quick view Sarsaparilla Root cut 2oz Sarsaparilla Root also known as Hemidesmus Indicus, originating in India. This is a member of the dogbane family in is widely used in Ayurveda. Magical uses of this herb include money drawing work, house blessing, and to arouse sexual passion. In cut... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Lemon Peel cut 2oz Lemon peel also know as Citrus limon, originating in the United States. Lemon peel uses date back in Greece to 300 BC and has been discovered in the ruins of Pompeii. Widely used in the culinary field. In magic it is used for clarity, purification,... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Rose Hips 1 lb. whole Introduction Rose hips are the fruit of the rose plant. They are know as the one of the highest sources of vitamin C, containing 50% more vitamin C than oranges. They are also rich in Vitamin A, D, E, iron, flavonoids, and lycopene. They are great to use... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Rose Buds & Petals- Red 1 lb. whole Introduction Roses are so much more than beautiful fragrant flowers. They are also full of vitamins and nutrients and have many medicinal benefits. There are so many ways that rose buds and petals can be used fro culinary creations and teas to luxurious... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Pennyroyal 2 oz. cut/sifted Introduction Pennyroyal has a history that dates back to the first century. It was frequently used for women's ailments and digestive problems. Pennyroyal is a potentially dangerous herb and you should be aware of the precautions before use. In tea form... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Pennyroyal 1 lb. cut/sifted Introduction Pennyroyal has a history that dates back to the first century. It was frequently used for women's ailments and digestive problems. Pennyroyal is a potentially dangerous herb and you should be aware of the precautions before use. In tea form... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Orange Peel 1 lb. cut/sifted Introduction Orange Peel has numerous health benefits and is a great lung cleanser. They are full of anti-oxidants, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. Orange peels also have many healing benefits. There are so many ways to use orange peels. In addition to... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Mullein Leaf 1 lb. cut/sifted Introduction Mullein leaf is most often used for treating respiratory conditions but it has many more benefits and uses as well. It works by removing mucous. It is a very safe herb and appropriate for use with children. Mullein Leaf has long been... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Mistletoe 1 lb. cut/sifted Introduction Mistletoe is most often recognized as the plant decorating homes during Christmas. Sacred to the Druids, mistletoe was a symbol of eternal fertility and the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe is survived from their folk lore. Mistletoe... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Lemon Balm 1 lb. cut/sifted Introduction Lemon Balm has a long history of medicinal use. It was believed to remedy so many different conditions that is was once considered a herbal "cure-all". Lemon balm has natural antibacterial properties. It has calming and uplifting properties... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Five Finger Grass 1 lb. cut/sifted Associated with love, money, health, power and wisdom, Five Finger Grass also known as Cinquefoil, and Potentilla, is a powerful aid when seeking to draw upon or alter these qualities within your ritual spells, particularly in Hoodoo. Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Barberry Root Bark 1 lb. cut/sifted Introduction Barberry root bark has been used medicinally for thousands of years with it's use originating in the middle east. It is often used as a substitute for golden seal because it contains the same chemical, berberine that is responsible for... Log in for pricing Compare