Quick view Details Ancient Egyptian Magic For Modern Witches By Ellen Cannon Reed Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Ancient Egyptian Magic For Modern Witches By Ellen Cannon Reed Rituals, prayers, and songs to bring the wisdom of the gods and goddesses of ancient Egypt to life. Based on Ellen Cannon Reed's twenty-five years of work with deities of ancient Egypt, this book... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Consorting With Spirit By Jason Miller Throughout history, humans have sought power and knowledge from spirits. Learning how to conjure, communicate, and negotiate with these unseen powers is one of the keys to success in magic... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Entering Hekate'S Cave By Cyndi Brannen To the ancients, the goddess Hekate symbolized the inner journey back to the soul. Indeed, ancient philosophers identified her as Anima Mundi, the soul of the world. As such, she connects many... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Entering Hekate's Garden by Cyndi Brannen Bringing pharmakeia (the practice of plant spirit witchcraft) into contemporary times, Entering Hekate?s Garden merges historical knowledge with modern techniques. In it, author Cyndi Brannen offers... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Hekate Goddess Of Witches By Courtney Weber Courtney Weber takes us on a journey through the lore, legends, history, and mythology of Hekate, ancient goddess of crossroads, ghosts, and witchcraft, and also perhaps the most beloved Goddess... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Marie Laveau Voodoo Grimoire By Denise Alvarado A practical guide to New Orleans-style magic inspired by the life and traditions of Marie Laveau the eternal and enduring Queen of New Orleans Voodoo. This is a working grimoire, or spell book,... Log in for pricing Compare