Rutile has a wide variety of uses due to its ability to promote the flow of energy. It is often utilized to open the chakras and to increase the positive flow of energy during reiki therapy. In addition, the gems are often used as an aid for meditation and for helping to promote good dreams at night. Mediums often rely on rutile to help them connect with spirits, and the healing crystals are thought by some to ward off negative influences and to encourage positive thinking and emotions. The Rutile Tumbled Gemstones for sale at The Ancient Sage are tumbled and then carefully selected to ensure that each assortment sold includes only the finest available gems. you'll receive 36 to 42 stones per pound with the individual crystals measuring between 1/4 x 1/2 inches and 1 1/4 x 1 5/8 inches in size. 1 lb. package.