Quick view Autumn Equinox Altar Lailokens Awen Candle 4" Gold beeswax pillar candle anointed with Autumn Equinox Anointing Oil. Use on the Autumn Equinox, and throughout the year to attune to the energies of balance between light and dark, with dark on the... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Beltane Sabbat Lailokens Awen Candle 4" Red beeswax pillar candle anointed with Beltane Anointing Oil. Use on Beltane, and throughout the year, to attune to the changing of the seasons, and for favours and fortune. Made on the day of... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Gabriel Lailokens Awen Oil 15ml Anoint candles, magical implements, charms, talismans, and your body to honour Archangel Gabriel, for visions, divine inspiration, prophecy, and for all workings associated with elemental Water. Made... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Healing Lailokens Awen Oil 15ml Anoint candles in the room of the sick person, and if their health permits, anoint the person themselves to speed healing. Made on the day of Mercury and in the hour of the Sun. 15ml bottle. Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Samhain Sabbat Lailokens Awen Candle 4" Black beeswax pillar candle anointed with Samhain Anointing Oil. Use on Samhain, and throughout the year to honour the ancestors, and to bring the energy of the Samhain season into your life. Made on... Log in for pricing Compare
Quick view Spring Equinox Altar Lailokens Awen Candle 4" Pink beeswax pillar candle anointed with Spring Equinox Anointing Oil. Use on the Spring Equinox, and throughout the year to attune to the energies of balance, with light on the increase, and to... Log in for pricing Compare